
Top orthopaedic solutions

Masters of mobility: external fixators

As a leading manufacturer in this specialized field of medical technology, our goal is to offer innovative and high-quality solutions for traumatological and orthopaedic care. Our external fixators are designed to support and improve the healing process and mobility of our patients. We place the highest value on precision, reliability and safety while at the same time providing the best possible comfort for the patient. With a team of experienced experts and state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies, we set new standards in treatment.

dynamic finger joint distractor

modular block fixator Cube-Fix

Fingergelenksditraktor gefertigt von Innovations Medical aus Tuttlingen

Finger joint distractor in lightweight design with high stability

Complete surgical set with instruments for single use:
Distractors, drill guide, K-wires and screwdriver


finger joint distractor

Dynamic finger joint distractor for the treatment of intra-articular middle joint fractures.

Indications: Intra-articular fractures of the base of the middle phalanx without and with dislocation.

Contraindications: Irreducible luxation fractures and infected, open skin areas.


  • Variable distraction force

  • Simple K-wire assembly

  • Short operating time

Modularer Klötzchenfixateuer Cubefix gefertigt von Innovations Medical aus Tuttlingen


The Cube-Fix is a lightweight modular mini fixator with a removable distraction unit. It can be adapted to the anatomical structures of the hand and can be used for malformations and trauma.


block fixator


Fixation system for soft tissue and bone distraction- also suitable for small children.


  • Soft tissue distraction for complex syndactylies

  • Lengthening of metacarpals and phalanges

  • As an external fixator for stabilizing fractures and bone defects

Contraindication: Skin infection


  • Can be fitted with K-wires from 0.8 mm thickness as well as with threaded pins

  • Allows use on small phalanges while protecting the growth plates

  • Variable use due to modular design

  • Low weight

  • Separate distraction unit

  • Clinically proven for over 25 years

Valuable knowledge and useful information about our products and their application.